It Can Happen Anywhere: Cape Town Is a City About to Run Out of Water

In January of 2015 I wrote about the California drought “What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since 2009?”  In my post, I highlighted how California and the world is facing a “water crisis” and how “common sense sustainability” must be employed to solve the water crisis.  I updated this post several times, and in July 2016, in “Who says history does not repeat itself?,” I pointed out how almost forty years ago in 1977, during his first term as governor, Brown called for a similar voluntary 25% reduction in water use amid a two-year drought.  Droughts and the water crisis are not a passing fad…and it is not localized to one state or country.

1977 Brown in LA

Gov. Jerry Brown, center, in 1977, discussing California’s water crisis at Los Angeles City Hall with L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley, right, and state Assemblyman Eugene Gualco (D-Sacramento). (Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times.)

As of January 19, 2018, Cape Town is about 90 days away from running out of water.  As it stands now, when “Day Zero” comes – when most taps could stop running, the 4 million residents of South Africa’s second-biggest city will face a catastrophe.  Let’s let that sink in – the 4 million residents of South Africa’s second-biggest city will face a catastrophe.

 Cape Town has requested that each household limit their water usage at 87 liters (23 gallons) per person, per day.  On average, that is keeping showers under 2 minutes, no watering the garden or washing the car, refraining from flushing the toilet unless absolutely necessary, recycling bathing water where possible and severely limiting dishwasher and washing machine use.  However, according to city statistics, only 54% of residents are hitting their target.  Not surprising – but disappointing.

Planning and action lead to this problem in Cape Town and this situation is likely to repeat itself around the globe.  their city planners have long pointed out that Cape Town’s water capacity hasn’t kept up with population growth, which has nearly doubled over the past 20 years. And like the past droughts that have plagued California and other states, Cape Town’s  three-year drought was on a scale considered to be a “once a millennium” event, say climatologists.  Presumably, even the best-planned water system would have taken a hit under these conditions. Cape Town is playing catch up, quickly and expensively by installing desalination plants and looking into groundwater extraction technology.  It is unlikely any of those systems will be brought online before Day Zero, or even before the rainy season is due to start up again in May (if indeed it does).  These systems are unlikely to go to waste, however.  Climate change researchers predict more frequent dry years and fewer wet years to come.  And with dryer years, the threat of wide-scale wild fires is on the rise.  This is not limited to Cape Town and we all must act globally when we consider the uses of water and do they still make sense?

The fact is that Cape Town won’t literally run dry; in most cases, reservoirs can’t be drained to the last drop, as silt and debris make the last 10% of a dam’s water unusable. Cape Town’s city authorities have decided that once the dams reach 13.5% capacity, the municipal water supply will be turned off for all but essential services, like hospitals.  When Day Zero arrives, the city’s residents will have to go to one of some 200 municipal water points throughout the city where they can collect a maximum of 25 liters (6.6 gallons) a day – about a 71% decrease from their 87 liter requested reduction per household.  And this is where common sense sustainability comes into play.

We are one planet – especially when it comes to water.  And water is one natural resource that is not limitless.  We have to make smart choices.  Considering that it takes over 10 liters of water (2.64 gallons) to make a single piece of paper, the 25 liters of water restriction facing the citizens of Cape Town is the same amount of water used to produce two and one half pages of paper.  Let’s let that sink in too.

Paper 10 Liters

An immense amount of paper is used in meetings, conventions and trade shows and in other uses around the world.  Consider a meeting/convention with only 5,000 attendees.  Then consider they may leave with a 100 page “proceedings” document in paper form.  The water used in just the paper production of the page alone would consume over 5 million liters of water – 1,320,860 gallons.  Using Cape Town’s 25 liter per day per person consumption limitation, this one event would consume the same amount of water that would supply 200,000 residents for a day!  There are more meetings than one may think – 1.9 million meetings nationwide, including more than 250 million participants!  And that is just meetings!

We must all start rethinking what impacts water usage.  After all, we are in a digital, post-paper era yet we have not found our way to greatly reduce our paper addiction.   Common sense sustainability continues to grow, we must find other sustainable, less polluting, less resource consuming means to deliver and manage information/content.

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Terry Mullin is the CEO of ViridiSTOR LLC, a leading innovator in content management and information delivery to the events industry.  ViridiSTOR’s solutions are one of the first “fiscally sound and sustainable” solutions in the marketplace today.  Visit for more information.


“Cape Town Is 90 Days Away From Running Out of Water”

“Will Cape Town Run Out of Water?”

Meetings Significance Survey – Preliminary Data$330-Billion-Annually/ and

What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since 2009?

Who says history does not repeat itself?

Who says history does not repeat itself?

Common Sense Sustainability: Desalination

By Terry Mullin, V7/15 updated July 30, 2016

Who says history does not repeat itself?

Maybe my January 5, 2015 blog should have been entitled What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since the 1970’s and not 2009?

Shortly after the Governor held his mid-March press conference, others started scratching their heads and wondering why all of this sounded so familiar.  Again.  I lived through the first drought in my youth and wondered where this problem would go – I had friends who lost their jobs at car washes in Anaheim, California as they had to close due to the drought.  And as I had an early interest in the “environment” and business, I was concerned that politicians alone would not take sustained and long term actions to address this.  Because, after all, they are only in for the time of their term.  In youth, maybe I and others saw the writing on the wall.

One such individual was Phil Willon[i], reporter for the Los Angeles Times.  On April 1, 2015 he published an enlightening article that “reminded us” of this case of déjà vu.  For it was in Governor Brown’s first term that he called for water use restrictions.

History is not so far different from Governor Brown’s order on March 19th, 2015 for a 25% mandatory cut in water use, a response to the state’s devastating drought.  It came almost four decades after the governor faced a similar water crisis that pitted water-rich Northern California against its thirsty southern neighbors.

Almost forty years ago in 1977, during his first term as governor, Brown called for a similar voluntary 25% reduction in water use amid a two-year drought. But he met resistance from Southern California water districts. At the time, Brown blasted Los Angeles residents, specifically, for wasting water.  I lived through this time…I had school friends who lost jobs at car washes and doing lawn work.  At even an early age, it “frightened” me to think we lived in a time and state that had such a fragile and unprepared grasp of the importance of water.  As years passed, I grew even more concerned…we all should be more concerned.  Here and around the world.

“They have to cut back,” Brown said at a Los Angeles City Hall news conference with then-Mayor Tom Bradley, according to a 1977 Los Angeles Times report. “And they will cut back.”

Brown warned of mounting pressure from Northern Californians to take drastic action.

1977 Brown in LA

Gov. Jerry Brown, center, in 1977, discussing California’s water crisis at Los Angeles City Hall with L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley, right, and state Assemblyman Eugene Gualco (D-Sacramento). (Courtesy of the Los Angeles Times.)

Fast forward to today:  While some local agencies adopted water restrictions at the time, Brown did not issue severe mandatory restrictions like the ones announced Wednesday.  As the first involuntary statewide water restrictions in California history, Governor Brown’s executive order contains a host of water-saving directives, including replacing 50 million square feet of lawns statewide with drought-tolerant landscaping as part of a partnership with local governments. Golf courses, cemeteries and other institutions with large landscaped areas also were ordered to reduce water consumption.

On March 19th, 2015 five days after the posting of The “browning” of California, Governor Brown announced a billion dollar drought relief plan.  For those who have not watched the YouTube broadcast of it from the CalChannel[ii] – which I suspect are most of you as only 71 views took place 10 days after the posting were noted – you should watch it in its entirety[iii], paying special attention to the opening remarks from all speakers.

And whereas desalination is not the only answer to our worldwide water crisis, I will address desalination primarily as it is clearly a recurring topic within the five major concepts of the common sense sustainability model.

It is a global problem:  According to the United Nations the planet is facing a significant shortfall (40 percent) in water supply by 2030, unless we dramatically improve the management of this precious resource.[iv]

UN Water

UN-Water on March 20, 2015 released its annual World Water Development Report[v] this year focusing on “Water for a Sustainable World”. The key message of the study is that the planet is facing a significant shortfall (40 percent) in water supply by 2030, unless we dramatically improve the management of this precious resource.

In a critical year for international action on sustainable development (in September the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals are due to be adopted by UN General Assembly) and climate change (in December a new global climate agreement is expected at COP21 in Paris), the report  demonstrates how water is critical to nearly every aspect of sustainable development, and how a dedicated SDG for water would create social, economic, financial and other benefits that would extend to poverty alleviation, health, education, food and energy production, and the environment.

The many sides to common sense sustainabilityWhereas this study’s topic of desalination is simply one example of the world-wide water crisis, the action/reaction of California should be used to highlight that “common sense sustainability” must be applied to reduce the impact of the water shortage everywhere.

No single solution is the answer:  it will take all of the “common sense sustainable” steps and more to address the drought.  And make no mistake about it – it is not just a “California thing,” but a situation that can impact the entire United States and beyond.  We are all in this together.  There is no greater crisis facing our state today than its lack of water.

common sense sustainability image

Using desalination technology to address the water crisis.

The Carlsbad desalination is scheduled to come online in late 2015 as referenced in this article: $734 Million Carlsbad Desalination Project[vi].  Budget numbers fluctuate up to “one billion dollars.”  And even if the budget number hits one billion dollars (likely), that would mean that 68 potential desalination plants would be possible (depending upon location, logistics, etc.)  And whereas the Carlsbad desalinated water will cost more for up to 112,000 households when in 2016 it is in full production[vii], a typical household of four people can expect to pay approximately $5 to $7 more per month when the plant begins producing water as early as fall 2015[viii]BUT THEY WILL HAVE WATER!

desal plant

Image courtesy of

Making choices and you can’t ignore “the elephant in the room.”

In the California budget is their $68 billion dollar high speed rail project.  As everywhere, California must live on a budget and priorities must be reevaluated and set.  Water is clearly the most pressing short and long term issue for the State.  Spending on “real water projects” and getting real results logically should take precedent on secondary projects such as the high-speed rail.

Using math:  Using the $734 million number, and dividing the $68 billion rail budget number by it, you come up with funding for up to approximately NINETY THREE (93) possible desalination plants similar to the Carlsbad plant, which then could hypothetically supply water to over 10 million homes (10,376,022).  Using the Governor’s 38 million population number would mean approximately 27% of the entire state’s population could be served by 93 new desalination plants if built.  Again, if the budget number becomes one billion (likely), that still provides for 68 potential desalination plants to augment California’s water needs.

California has approximately 840 miles of coastline with access to the Pacific Ocean from which salt water could be pulled from.[ix]   The desalination plants don’t have to be built “right on the beach” as opponents try to claim, but can be built in areas that support the power requirements and water logistics to make them viable.  Building desalination plants would be great for jobs in the state as well.  Again, no single initiative is the full answer and undertaking such a plan warrants environmental study and brine management that results from desalination and weighed against not having water and the impact it would have on the State’s agricultural which produces two thirds of the nation’s produce[x].

And one more thing… whereas there are side effects of desalination[xi], such as the brine which is essentially salt, this can be managed and in fact, potentially needed in the future.  As the polar icecaps continue to melt, more and more fresh water is introduced into the ocean.  The delicate balance of salt in the water must be monitored and potentially “adjusted” in the future.  Also, the brine itself could be dehydrated and then moved to an area of storage/disposal /or possible reuse on land.  These are just two examples of how the brine byproduct could be used.  And as technology and other means of addressing the fresh water needs of the world become operational, the “mix” of technologies can be managed bringing newer, more efficient technologies online and retiring less efficient ones.  But, for now, doing nothing is simply not an option, and for now, desalination works.

We all must work together and explore all of the common sense sustainable solutions to address not only the California drought, but the worldwide water crisis in general. Please watch both videos in their entirety…then decide for yourself.

Other technologies that exist today.

Learn more about the Carlsbad Desalination Plant or read their fact sheets online.  In follow on editions of my “common sense sustainability” studies, other technologies, and practices will be discussed.  Addressing the worldwide water crisis will take include all aspects of the “Common Sense Sustainability” cycle.  One of our next studies will include the world’s largest advanced water purification system for potable reuse.  The Groundwater Replenishment System, a joint project of the Orange County Water District and the Orange County Sanitation District, can produce up to 100 million gallons (379,000 cubic meters) of high-quality water every day. This is enough water to meet the needs of nearly 850,000 residents in north and central Orange County, California.[xii]



[ii] CalChannel

[iii] the Press Conference on the Drought










The “browning” of California.

Today, William Shatner announced a plan to build a water pipeline from the Pacific Northwest and consider using High Speed Rail funds as he has “heard nothing”…sounds strikingly familiar to my original blog based upon a 2011 presentation I made. All ideas are welcome to address common sense sustainability.  Here is the YouTube link:

Sustainable Events Make Sense (Cents)!

By Terry Mullin, March 16, 2015

It’s about choices and common sense.

California is dry…and turning brown.  Following on from my blog of January 5th, 2015 “What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since 2009”[i] it appears that the answer is “not as much as we should have.”  California is still “on track” to build a high speed rail system for $68 billion.  Many contend that the train has value – but there are other pressing issues that must be addressed as well.  And since our state must live within its own budget, choices and priorities must be set.

common sense sustainability image

California’s January was the driest ever since record-keeping began in 1895. The State’s groundwater and snowpack levels are at all-time lows.  Data from NASA satellites show that the total amount of water stored in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins — that is, all of the…

View original post 2,974 more words

California finally takes common sense sustainable action!

And whereas supporting all of the concepts of common sense sustainability were not addressed today, together, we all can enlist our colleagues, friends, family and write our representatives at every level of government. Write them and let them know that solutions like the ViridiSTOR solution directly reduce the amount of water we have in the world from being polluted. Thereby making more of what we have potable, while cutting back on what is wasted. It makes a real, definitive difference.

Governor Brown Directs First Ever Statewide Mandatory Water Reductions


SACRAMENTO – Following the lowest snowpack ever recorded and with no end to the drought in sight, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced actions that will save water, increase enforcement to prevent wasteful water use, streamline the state’s drought response and invest in new technologies that will make California more drought resilient.

“Today we are standing on dry grass where there should be five feet of snow. This historic drought demands unprecedented action,” said Governor Brown. “Therefore, I’m issuing an executive order mandating substantial water reductions across our state. As Californians, we must pull together and save water in every way possible.”

High resolution photos of previous snow surveys are available here.

For more than two years, the state’s experts have been managing water resources to ensure that the state survives this drought and is better prepared for the next one. Last year, the Governor proclaimed a drought state of emergency. The state has taken steps to make sure that water is available for human health and safety, growing food, fighting fires and protecting fish and wildlife. Millions have been spent helping thousands of California families most impacted by the drought pay their bills, put food on their tables and have water to drink.

The following is a summary of the executive order issued by the Governor today.

Save Water

For the first time in state history, the Governor has directed the State Water Resources Control Board to implement mandatory water reductions in cities and towns across California to reduce water usage by 25 percent. This savings amounts to approximately 1.5 million acre-feet of water over the next nine months, or nearly as much as is currently in Lake Oroville.

To save more water now, the order will also:

-Replace 50 million square feet of lawns throughout the state with drought tolerant landscaping in partnership with local governments;
-Direct the creation of a temporary, statewide consumer rebate program to replace old appliances with more water and energy efficient models;
-Require campuses, golf courses, cemeteries and other large landscapes to make significant cuts in water use; and
-Prohibit new homes and developments from irrigating with potable water unless water-efficient drip irrigation systems are used, and ban watering of ornamental grass on public street medians.

Increase Enforcement

The Governor’s order calls on local water agencies to adjust their rate structures to implement conservation pricing, recognized as an effective way to realize water reductions and discourage water waste.

Agricultural water users – which have borne much of the brunt of the drought to date, with hundreds of thousands of fallowed acres, significantly reduced water allocations and thousands of farmworkers laid off – will be required to report more water use information to state regulators, increasing the state’s ability to enforce against illegal diversions and waste and unreasonable use of water under today’s order. Additionally, the Governor’s action strengthens standards for Agricultural Water Management Plans submitted by large agriculture water districts and requires small agriculture water districts to develop similar plans. These plans will help ensure that agricultural communities are prepared in case the drought extends into 2016.

Additional actions required by the order include:

-Taking action against water agencies in depleted groundwater basins that have not shared data on their groundwater supplies with the state;
-Updating standards for toilets and faucets and outdoor landscaping in residential communities and taking action against communities that ignore these standards; and
-Making permanent monthly reporting of water usage, conservation and enforcement actions by local water suppliers.

Streamline Government Response

The order:

-Prioritizes state review and decision-making of water infrastructure projects and requires state agencies to report to the Governor’s Office on any application pending for more than 90 days.
-Streamlines permitting and review of emergency drought salinity barriers – necessary to keep freshwater supplies in upstream reservoirs for human use and habitat protection for endangered and threatened species;
-Simplifies the review and approval process for voluntary water transfers and emergency drinking water projects; and
-Directs state departments to provide temporary relocation assistance to families who need to move from homes where domestic wells have run dry to housing with running water.

Invest in New Technologies

The order helps make California more drought resilient by:

-Incentivizing promising new technology that will make California more water efficient through a new program administered by the California Energy Commission.

The full text of the executive order can be found here.

For more than two years, California has been dealing with the effects of drought. To learn about all the actions the state has taken to manage our water system and cope with the impacts of the drought, visit Drought.CA.Gov.

Every Californian should take steps to conserve water. Find out how at


The “browning” of California – an update regarding the one billion dollar “emergency plan.”

By Terry Mullin, March 28, 2015

On March 19th, five days after my posting of The “browning” of California, Governor Brown announced a billion dollar drought relief plan. For those who have not watched the YouTube broadcast of it from the CalChannel – which I suspect are most of you as only 71 views as my writing this were noted, you should watch it in its entirety , paying special attention to the opening remarks from all speakers. And whereas this is not the second installment where I will address all five aspects of the common sense sustainability model, due to this “emergency” announcement, a retrospective was in order.

Prior to Governor Brown speaking, it is important to hear what others say about our drought. For that reason, I made a “best attempt” to transcribe as closely as possible, but defer to the video “for the record” the comments and context of the press conference.

No single solution is the answer: – it will take all of the “common sensecommon sense sustainability image sustainable” steps and more to address the drought. And make no mistake about it – it is not just a “California thing,” but a situation that can impact the entire United States and beyond. We are all in this together, and Mr. Kevin de León got it spot on – “There is no greater crisis facing our state today than its lack of water.”

This did not come up overnight…January 5th of this year I published What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since 2009? In the 60 Minutes segment from 2009, then Governor Schwarzenegger stated that his state is in crisis. “We’ve been in crisis for quite some time because we’re now 38 million people and not anymore 18 million people like we were in the late 60s.” We heard that rhetoric again in the drought press conference! Action must be taken now, with REAL RESULTS. Actions cost money, and inaction will cost even more. So, the full California budget must be reviewed for possible funding for solutions.

Scheduled to come online in 2015 is the $734 Million Carlsbad Desalination Project . Budget numbers fluctuate up to “one billion dollars.” And whereas desalinated water will cost more for up to 112,000 households when in 2016 it is in full production, a typical household of four people can expect to pay approximately $5 to $7 more per month when the plant begins producing water as early as fall 2015 . BUT THEY WILL HAVE WATER!

You can’t ignore “the elephant in the room”: – the $68 billion dollar high speed rail project. Whereas I will not belabor the obvious, California must live on a budget. Water is clearly the most pressing short and long term issue for the State. Spending on “real water projects” and getting real results takes precedent on secondary projects such as the high-speed rail.

Spending $660 million on “flood control” in the middle of an extreme drought?

drought emergency

Whereas Proposition 1E Flood Control Bond Funding from 2006 was important in 2006 when our reservoirs and lakes held much more water, it is now 8 years later, with California being 4 years-plus into an extreme drought. Spending $660 million on legacy “flood control” efforts seems to be a mistimed priority today . Planning for the future is prudent, but we have some “options” for water storage today and getting water should be the number-one priority.

Using math: Using the $734 million number, and dividing the $68 billion rail budget number by it, you come up with funding for up to approximately NINETY THREE (93) possible desalination plants similar to the Carlsbad plant, which then could hypothetically supply water to over 10 million homes (10,376,022). Using the Governor’s 38 million population number, that would mean approximately 27% of the entire state’s population, could be served by 93 new desalination plants if built. California has approximately 840 miles of coastline with access to the Pacific Ocean from which salt water could be pulled from. Building those plants would be great for jobs in the state as well. Again, no single initiative is the full answer and undertaking such a plan warrants environmental study and brine management that results from desalination.

I don’t think “sounding like explosive growth” happened overnight or sneaked up on us helps: Whereas Governor Brown opened with “Well, we all face a challenge, because California for 10,000 years had only 300,000 or so residents. When you up that number to 38 million, and you increase the amenities, and the consumption, you get a problem when you are in the middle of a desert.”

This is a band aid: Assembly member Kristin Olsen aptly stated “this is a band aid (referring to the plan); this is a temporary, small-step towards fixing a monumental problem.” She then called on us all coming up with “long term” solutions to address the water problem. “…I’m calling on the State water agencies, on state government to get projects out of the red-tape; to get them moving because they have been hung-up for decades. We need more storage, more desalination, more water recycling projects, more other innovative projects that will increase supply and deliver it to the communities who so desperately need it.” This speaks directly to the common sense sustainability model.

Senator Bob Huff commented “…but it really comes down to personal responsibility now – cutting back our consumption.” This is the crux of the problem. It seems difficult to address the reality that water rationing must be enacted to slow the problem down until initiatives and programs that achieve results are in full-swing to make the difference in the water crisis and drought. Left to requests only, cutting back on consumption simply will not happen.

The press conference: Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León getsthe press conference right to it: “There is no greater crisis facing our state today than its lack of water. It’s an economic crisis because our farms and our factories need water to create jobs and supply the worlds’ food and products. It’s an environmental crisis because our snowpack is lower than ever before in recorded history. Our rivers and streams are dry. And our natural resources are shriveling up. It’s a public health crisis because tens of thousands of people are without clean drinking water. That number is increasing.”

“Now our state budget is written in the winter before the legislature convenes in January. …Now we are almost in spring and we know we have had almost no water this year. Now NASA is now estimating we have one year or two of water supply left and that is creating a renewed sense of urgency. Simply put, we cannot wait until June when the budget passes to start directing funds. We definitely can’t wait for Washington to help. Congress hasn’t pitched in the penny so far. And that is why the governor, speaker Toni Atkins, and my republican colleagues Mr. Huff and Ms. Olsen are here today to announce an emergency drought and water supply reliable package. WE NEED TO ACT NOW. Our package is two bills. One, an appropriations bill and the other a policy bill. The first bill appropriates over a billion dollars in Proposition 1 bond dollars, water bond from last year and Proposition 1E from 2006. These funds were approved by the voters for water and flood related investments. We need to get the money out the door now for shovel-ready projects and existing water projects that only need funding to get started. No delay. No red-tape. The second bill speeds up contracting for funds and creates its first (of its kind) office to help disproportionally impacted communities respond to their water challenges and access State resources. Translation: many of the poor communities in the Central Valley. Taken together this package provides a major boost to our State’s efforts to manage our water crisis and strengthen our current infrastructure.”

“Now, I want to thank the Governor, Governor Jerry Brown and Madame Speaker Toni Atkins for working together to respond to this crisis. It shows how we as leaders can get things done when we all work together in a common purpose. I also want (to) thank my colleagues in the Senate who have been involved from this in this from its inception, especially Senators Wolk and Fran Pavley (spelling and verification from speaking not available) who are on the budget sub-committee that oversees water and flood funds. Also want to thank Senator Cathleen Galgiani for her tireless work to get funds for heavily impacted districts. Finally, I want to make one note that this is just a down payment on our efforts to address this drought. This is just the first round. We have much work to do. The Governor has asked us to approve additional flood and water funds later in the budget cycle, and we will do that. And you can bet, all of us collectively, will be back with our sleeves rolled up to do more to help Californians through the crisis. And that includes tackling long-term challenges of climate change. We will ensure that our state government is on the job, full-time to use all the tools at its disposal to help our state throughout this drought.”

Very quickly…Mr. Kevin de Leon recapped some of the preceding in Spanish…

“With that it is with great pleasure that I have an opportunity to introduce my good friend, my partner in the legislative branch that is the Speaker, Ms. Toni Atkins.” She reiterates many of the same points (see video). She then introduces Assembly member Kristin Olsen (see video). She previously said “this is a band aid; this is a temporary, small-step towards fixing a monumental problem.” She then called on us all coming up with “long term” solutions to address the water problem. “…I’m calling on the State water agencies, on state government to get projects out of the red-tape; to get them moving because they have been hung-up for decades. We need more storage, more desalination, more water recycling projects, more other innovative projects that will increase supply and deliver it to the communities who so desperately need it.”

Senator Bob Huff makes supporting statements as well. “Everyone in the state has to ask the question ‘how can I conserve more water?’” “You can’t count on the government (presumably referring to the need for the people to do their part now), we’re doing our part, but it really comes down to personal responsibility now – cutting back our consumption. And then we, as legislators, need to look at other ways we can help us all accomplish that goal.”… “One of the ideas that came up recently and it’s not a new idea, but it’s pretty simple, is just in our older buildings putting in lower-flush toilets in. And that’s not complicated, it’s not high-tech, but it achieves something very quickly. Those are the kinds of solutions we need to be looking at going forward as we figure out ‘how do we use the water responsibly so we don’t continue to drown our crops, our jobs and we can pull out of this together.” Once again, watch and listen to the press conference video and then YOU decide on the comments and suggestions made within it. Then Mr. Huff introduces Governor Brown.71 views

71 views and growing? As of this writing on March 28, 2015, the press conference that only received 71 views as of two days after it was aired: That is very concerning regarding the gravity of the situation and the need for us all to be involved.

NBC4 TV Los Angeles: summed it up in the news segment “Governor, California Lawmakers Unveil $1B Emergency Drought-Relief Plan”. The image below gives the quick analysis of the plan. Click link or image for NBCLA video.summed up

We all must work together and explore all of the common sense sustainable solutions to address not only the California drought, but the worldwide water crisis in general. Please watch both videos in their entirety…then decide for yourself.

The “browning” of California.

By Terry Mullin, March 16, 2015

It’s about choices and common sense.

California is dry…and turning brown.  Following on from my blog of January 5th, 2015 “What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since 2009”[i] it appears that the answer is “not as much as we should have.”  California is still “on track” to build a high speed rail system for $68 billion.  Many contend that the train has value – but there are other pressing issues that must be addressed as well.  And since our state must live within its own budget, choices and priorities must be set.

common sense sustainability image

California’s January was the driest ever since record-keeping began in 1895. The State’s groundwater and snowpack levels are at all-time lows.  Data from NASA satellites show that the total amount of water stored in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins — that is, all of the snow, river and reservoir water, water in soils and groundwater combined — was 34 million acre-feet below normal in 2014. That loss is nearly 1.5 times the capacity of Lake Mead, America’s largest reservoir.[ii]  Farmers have little choice but to pump more groundwater during droughts, especially when their surface water allocations have been slashed 80% to 100%. But these pumping rates are excessive and unsustainable. Wells are running dry. In some areas of the Central Valley, the land is sinking by one foot or more per year.  Statewide, we’ve been dropping more than 12 million acre-feet of total water yearly since 2011. Roughly two-thirds of these losses are attributable to groundwater pumping for agricultural irrigation in the Central Valley[iii].

The time to act was actually before the year 2000 when in 2002 NASA data revealed that total water storage in California had been in steady decline since at least 2002, when satellite-based monitoring began, although groundwater depletion has been going on since the early 20th century.[iv]

We need to think in parallel steps to avoid a disaster.

First, the amount of water on our planet is finite, so we have to be prudent in its management and use.  And it’s not just California; we have a world-wide water crisis that is only getting worse, so we must act locally, but think globally.  That means that conservation, recycling/reclamation, pollution avoidance, desalination and distribution are key parts of the solution.  We can’t keep marching on as a “tombstone society” – a society that only acts when it is too late.  The time of procrastination has passed.  Rationing is needed now to “buy time” to avoid a disaster.  And we must work through the solutions – it is not a “one or the other” proposition – but rather an all in parallel approach.  In this first part, we will be addressing water distribution.

Moving water from “A to B” – a water distribution challenge.

In this first part, we will be addressing the possible distribution issue.  The knowns, short and to the point: California is in the worst drought in its history and we are in a very dangerous situation of running out of water.  Other parts of the country, primarily east of the Mississippi, have experienced near record snow falls, not to mention that they have water access that the west simply does not have.  So what if we address this as a nation-wide water management project?

One concept – build a “Keystone XL-like” pipe from the Midwest and East to the Central Valley of California to aid in alleviating the extreme drought situation.  Using the Central Valley as a “distribution hub” for the water, other states would receive benefits as well.  We have the infrastructure in that of lakes and reservoirs way below capacity, not to mention we could replenish our ground water tables.  We could even expand storage – the technology exists.  The Keystone XL was budgeted at $5.3 billion (which is 7.79% of the bullet train projected cost as of today[v]). What if a similar project could be completed to deliver water for the same price?

This Is Not Acceptable for the “8th Largest Economy in the World!”

California’s economy would be the 8th largest in the world (2012),[vi] if the states of the U.S. were compared directly with other countries.[vii][viii]  As of 2013, the gross state product (GSP) is about $2.05 trillion, which is 13.2% of the United States gross domestic product (GDP)[ix].  And considering the size of the contribution that California makes to the economy and the nation’s produce/agriculture products, we simply can’t stand idly by and not act now.

What makes more jobs avoiding another “bust?”

Quoting the attached ABC News/AP article[x] by Scott Smith dated January 6, 2015 “California Breaks Ground on $68B Bullet Train, for 2029,”  “project managers say design and planning already has created 632 jobs and that eventually 20,000 will work on the system.”  And that is over the period of time of today through 2029, or 15 years.  The included state report (referenced herein[xi]) states that the job creation could be up to 20,000 for the next five years.  From there, “CONSTRUCTION JOBS AND MULTIPLIERS BY STEP, SPREAD OVER THE IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE” may lead to 66,000 for 15 years.  But time will tell – for this part of the report, we will stick with the more generally accepted 20,000 projection.  

Math and the ROI of a real water project.

So there is a choice in the making here: which is larger? 20,000 jobs or over 38 million Californians without water?  And the water distribution system would carry significant employment as well, with longer-term positive results for not only California.  It is quite simple…and once the project for the train is over, those 20,000 jobs disappear (except for pensions and follow-on infrastructure and operational costs).  When 19 years is over, and way before it, we would have a water system to ensure the “moving” of water from East to West.  And unlike the 20,000 that will be leaving the workforce, this system will help California and other states “balance the distribution” of water for years to come.  Again, the choice appears clear.

So let’s spend $5.3 billion of the $68B to address the California water crisis.

The western drought.  A drought that has no end in sight that is compounded by the inordinate amount of ground water California has been pumping out of its reserves.  The western drought should also be looked upon as more of a severe “water distribution” challenge.  Flooding in the mid-west and east, drought in the west.  Seems like something American ingenuity and funding with a real ROI could address.

Through a proper nation-wide water distribution system, with appropriate storage at the receiving ends, before the flooding starts, you increase the capacity of the pumping to “stay ahead” of the situation.  From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s records, approximate $2,152,417,080 and 82 fatalities were attributed to flooding in 2013[xii].  This cost could be dramatically reduced and turned into “part of the water distribution solution” if the water was moved before it became “part of the problem.”

If monitoring shows that the supply could become greater than the demand and storage, we could build more storage and increase ground-water replenishment.  I am not trying to over simplify the challenge, but our nation has conquered more daunting challenges – even eight years ago!  And whereas we do not have a budget number for this hypothetical project, the need could justify nearly any cost.  And considering the project would be moving water, not oil, should balance out the increased distance.  In any event, spending on a project like this could provide a step in the right direction to alleviate the effects of the drought.

Build something with a minimal environmental risk.

Sometimes, from a riskier proposition, a common sense solution presents itself.  As it turns out, pipelines are the safest and most efficient method of moving fossil fuels, and TransCanada has one of the best safety records in the industry.[xiii]  Just ask the Canadians.  There are more than 2.6 million miles of oil and natural gas pipelines in the United States that deliver 99.9998 per cent of their products safely and reliably every day. The State Department’s own environmental impact statement found that Keystone XL would operate with a degree of safety greater than any other pipeline in the U.S.  But I’m not talking about pumping oil; I’m talking about moving water!

Show me the downside…we can already show you the money.

The Keystone XL Pipeline Project which was vetoed by the President in early 2015 was a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline, beginning in Hardisty, Alta., and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline was considered “a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy[xiv].”  I am not debating or endorsing the merits/risks of the Keystone – but I am referencing it as a demonstration of what technology and manpower can accomplish today.  Just as improved water availability would strengthen the California and national economies.

We could enlist our Canadian friends or our own entrepreneurial American engineers and build a pipeline with a much greater degree of safety than any other in the U.S.  This “Keystone XL-like” pipeline could run from the East and Midwest through the Central Valley of California and ultimately to Lake Mead (for storage) to alleviate the dire drought situation.  Clearly, we could use the same ingenuity that built the Hoover Dam to accomplish this simpler task[xv] .  Using the Central Valley as a “distribution hub” for the water, other states could receive benefits as well.  The Central Valley is one of the world’s most productive agricultural regions[xvi].  After all, Lake Mead has room as it is at the lowest level since Hoover Dam was built in the 1930’s. [xvii]  And Lake Mead has room, as of January 25th, 2015 Lake Mead’s level is 41.68% of “full pool” which is of great concern.[xviii]

Again, there are 2.6 million miles of oil and natural gas pipelines in the United States today, so adding water distribution pipelines is “not rocket science.”

Agriculture needs water.

Fiscally speaking, California leads all of the other states in farm income. It’s positioned as the agricultural powerhouse of the United States. About 73 percent of the state’s ag revenues are derived from crops while the other 27 percent of revenues are generated by livestock commodities. In terms of revenue generated, California’s top five ag products are dairy products, greenhouse and nursery products, grapes, almonds, and cattle and calves. California agriculture generates roughly $37.5 billion annually, more than any other state[xix].  But all of this is dependent upon water.

In food production, according to the latest statistics compiled by the California Department of Food and Agriculture[xx], the state produces almost half of all the fruits, nuts and vegetables grown in the country, as well as a whopping share of the livestock and dairy[xxi].  So I think we should be very concerned about it drying up into a dust-bowl and no longer being able to supply food.

But what if there is a leak?

Budgeted at $5.3 billion for the crude oil pipeline, with all of the challenges and complexities that would have accompanied it, it would seem that a water pipeline could be accomplished in this price range as well – and faster.  The Keystone 36-inch diameter pipeline was specified to provide the capacity of 830,000 barrels of crude per day – that’s 26,145,000 gallons per day.  And when you consider the high number of remote-controlled shutoff valves, increased pipeline inspections, burying the pipe deeper in the ground and using thicker steel pipe at river crossings, a water pipe does not pose as much of an environmental hazard[xxii] and in theory should be simpler to accomplish.

For the price, don’t install only one pipe.

When you consider the viscosity of crude oil over water, the cost of the water delivery system itself will be markedly less.  Viscosity is the measurement of a fluid’s internal resistance to flow. This is typically designated in units of centipoise or poise but can be expressed in other acceptable measurements as well.  Without getting into too much science, crude oil has a viscosity in the range of 10,000 centipoise[xxiii].  Water, by comparison has a viscosity of 1 centipoise[xxiv].  With more than one pipe, you have increased capacity, higher-availability (if you have to shut one pipe down, the others pick up the capacity) and can support pipeline maintenance without interruption of capacity.  And finally, the construction of a water pipe is simpler than that of a pipeline to deliver thicker, more “aggressive” crude oil.

The chance of a significant “environmental disaster” from a water leak is low.

The proposed solution poses minimal risks.  When you have an oil leak from a system carrying crude, you need to have specialists trained to shut off, contain, and clean up the resulting impact.  With a water system suggested here, if a leak took place you could get a plumber to turn off the valves and mop up the water!  (Humor is allowed – but the point is valid: the system does not pose significant environmental nor human risk anywhere close to the 2.6 million miles of gas and other pipelines under America’s cities).

If we could get 20% from east of the Mississippi…

In an op-ed published Thursday March 12, 2015 by the Los Angeles Times, Jay Famiglietti[xxv], a senior water scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, painted a dire picture of the state’s water crisis. California, he writes, has lost around 12 million acre-feet of stored water every year since 2011.  So let us address that.  It is NOT the total solution, but a way to start to see if we can “make sense” of water distribution.

Using some simple flow rate calculations, California’s interconnected water system serves over 30 million people and irrigates over 5,680,000 acres (2,300,000 ha) of farmland[xxvi].  As the worlds and most controversial water system, it manages over 40,000,000 acre feet (49 km3) of water per year[xxvii].  That’s about 13,034,057,100,000 gallons per year.  So for sake of analysis 20% of that would be 2,606,811,420,000 gallons (approximately 8 million acre feet) per year.

To get 2.6 trillion gallons of water per year would require getting 297,581,212.33 per hour.  If the flow calculations are correct, using high-pressure (20 f/s) and 26.631’ in diameter pipe, in theory you could deliver 300 million gallons of water per hour[xxviii].  Of course all of this is dependent upon snow and rain seasons to supply the water.  And when there is not enough from the excess of snow pack melt and rain, other sources such as Niagara Falls (398,142,000,000 gallons per year fall over the falls[xxix]) and the Great Lakes (6 quadrillion  gallons[xxx]) could be considered[xxxi] if it was considered “excess” or available.  Of course proper acquisition, delivery, pumping costs (electrical and manpower), storage and processing must be considered too as the water-season does not run all year long.

For example, California could request to take 0.04345% of the Great Lakes annually to address the 20% noted in this study.   And these are just two sources – and I am not including snow melt and rain that goes to the Atlantic ocean or rivers.  This is a demonstration of the thinking and initiative can deliver real results, and makes everyone think twice about pollution in every fresh water source.

But is this possible and wouldn’t it take 15 years?

The Hoover Dam in Nevada is considered “the 8th wonder of the world.”  To think it was designed and built in 1935 in 4 years (5 years if you include the apparatus installation[xxxii]) is a testimonial to innovation and drive in America.  This water pipeline is nowhere near as daunting a task, and it would reaffirm the “American ingenuity” that many feel we no longer have.  Think about that…Hoover Dam was built eighty years ago and with the technology available then it only took four years to build.  I think we should be able to do better.

Now some “doubting Thomases” may say this could not be done.  Consider this – at the dam, the river was diverted around the damsite through four 50-foot diameter tunnels, two on each side of the river drilled through the canyon walls. The tunnels, with a total length of 15,946 feet, or about 3 miles, were excavated to 56 feet and lined with 3 feet (300,000 cubic yards) of concrete. The two tunnels could carry over 200,000 cubic feet – more than 1.5 million gallons – of water per second![xxxiii]  That’s   5,400,000,000 gallons per hour…I was solving for only 297,581,212 gallons per hour, or 6% of the capacity of a technological marvel that was built in 1935!

So where does this leave us?

The California water crises can be solved by incorporating all of the means highlighted and more innovations to come.  In my next segment, I will be addressing one example of “pollute less” that can make a dramatic difference in the pollution of water around the world.

It’s about choices and the future…it’s about our children and our children’s children…it’s about common sense.

To follow is the official “Creating Jobs Through High-Speed Rail”:






[vi] Comparison between U.S. states and countries by GDP (nominal)

[vii] “Largest state GDPs in the United States – California Texas New York Florida”. November 11, 2009. Retrieved March 9, 2010.

[viii] “California economy ranking among world economies”. November 8, 2009. Retrieved March 9, 2010.

[ix] “Widespread But Slower Growth in 2013”. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Labor. June 11, 2014. Retrieved June 11, 2014.






[xv] Simpler in terms of pumping high-temperature, much thicker crude oil vs. water












[xxvii] Jenkins, Marion W.; Lund, Jay R.; Howitt, Richard E.; Draper, Andrew J.; Msangi, Siwa M.; Tanaka, Stacy K.; Ritzema, Randall S.; Marques, Guilherme F. (2004). “Optimization of California’s Water Supply System: Results and Insights”. Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management 130 (4). pp. 271–280. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2004)130:4(271).







Reference for the California High Speed Rail project:

What Have We Learned About the California Drought Since 2009?

Caltrans Serious Drought SignWe all know that California and the world are experiencing a water crisis. And “common sense sustainability” is a key factor in dealing with the drought in California and around the world. I found two videos from the same reporter that showed “then” and “now” for California. In the second, the “now,” I highlighted two organizations/individuals to show how common sense fits in with sustainability to both identify and track the problem and how to take action to lessen it: the University of California Irvine’s Jay Famiglietti and Orange County Water District’s Mike Markus.

In December 23, 2009 60 Minutes ran Why California Is Running Dry: Three-Year Drought Is Bringing A Decades-Long Fight Over Water To A Head . In the 12.5 minute report from Lesley Stahl, the then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger outlined the problem and steps that he intended to put into action. The plans include requiring towns and cities across the state to reduce their water use by 20 percent over ten years (sound familiar?). That means less water to drink, to bathe in, and to water the lawn.

Schwarzenegger stated that his state is in crisis. “We’ve been in crisis for quite some time because we’re now 38 million people and not anymore 18 million people like we were in the late 60s. So it developed into a battle between environmentalists and farmers and between the south and the north and between rural and urban. And everyone has been fighting for the last four decades about water.”

The reservoir is a key part of the water system that has kept southern California – and one of the most productive agricultural basins in the world – green and arable, until now. Schwarzenegger had made fixing the delta a high priority and got sweeping water legislation passed, including an $11 billion bond for the 2010 ballot that would pay for new dams to increase the state’s ability to store water. The governor also wanted to build a canal that would re-route water around the delta to save the estuary and expedite the flow south. The canal will cost billions more. The original water bond was moved twice. Originally certified to be on the state’s 2010 ballot, it was removed and placed on the 2012 ballot. On July 5, 2012, the state legislature approved a bill to take the measure off the 2012 ballot and put it on the 2014 ballot.

What have we learned?

Fast forward to November 16, 2014 when 60 Minutes ran Depleting the water: Lesley Stahl’s 14 minute report highlights disturbing new evidence that our planet’s groundwater is being pumped out much faster than it can be replenished From this report, which is hauntingly similar and just as dire to the 2009 report, emerge interesting observations and two Orange County, California connections.

It’s been said that the wars of the 21st century may well be fought over water. It’s a real concern, and security reports list it as a serious concern. The Earth’s population has more than doubled over the last 50 years and the demand for fresh water – to drink and to grow food – has surged along with it. But sources of water like rainfall, rivers, streams and reservoirs, certainly haven’t doubled. The result – more and more is being pumped out of the ground. Something you draw on in times of need, but it must be monitored and replenished. And contributing to the drought is the fact that 2014 was the warmest year around the globe in recorded history

Now in its fourth year of a record-breaking drought, California experienced its driest year since the state started keeping records more than a hundred years ago. Yet California’s Central Valley is dry land growing acre upon acre of corn, almond trees, pomegranates, tomatoes, grapes. Without groundwater, none of this would be possible.

Orange County Connection #1: Jay Famiglietti, an Earth sciences professor at the University of California, Irvine, who is a leading expert on groundwater is also working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory analyzing the “GRACE” data from NASA. GRACE stands for “gravity recovery and climate experiment.” The two satellites provide insights to our environment – especially the mass of water, where it is located and if it has gained or lost water mass.

Famiglietti discussed the aquifers where groundwater is stored — layers of soil and rock, as he showed in a simple graphic, that are saturated with water and can be drilled into. These aquifers near the surface can sometimes be replenished very quickly. If we’re talking about a deeper aquifer, that could take tens or hundreds of years to recharge. That is where the problem arises – we are pulling out more than we are putting back.

Famiglietti’s India findings were published in the journal “Nature.” India wasn’t the only red spot on the GRACE map. He noticed a pattern. They are almost exclusively located over the major aquifers of the world. And those are also our biggest food-producing regions. So we’re talking about groundwater depletion in the aquifers that supply irrigation water to grow the world’s food. And some of those aquifer systems are in volatile regions, for instance this one that is shared by Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey.

Famiglietti, who’s now moved to the jet propulsion lab to work on GRACE, has started traveling around the world, trying to alert governments and academics to the problem. A 2012 report from the director of National Intelligence warned that within 10 years “many countries important to the United States will experience water problems … that will risk instability and state failure…” and cited the possible “use of water as a weapon or to further terrorist objectives.” Water wars may become a reality in our lifetimes.

California’s own food-producing regions including its Central Valley, which produces 25 percent of the nation’s food, are only getting dryer and the GRACE data confirms it.

Orange County Connection #2: Mike Markus, general manager of the Orange County Water District. They take 96-million gallons a day of treated wastewater from a county sanitation plant — and yes, that includes sewage — and in effect, recycle it. He says in 45 minutes, this sewage water will be drinkable. Through the recycling of sewage water, they’ve been able to arrest that decline in the groundwater.

Markus points out that it’s a great model for big cities around the country. But it won’t help areas like the Central Valley, which is sparsely populated and therefore don’t produce enough waste. That leaves them only one choice – drill deeper and withdraw more ground water.

About 5 years after the Why California Is Running Dry segment aired, Gov. Jerry Brown’s water bond finally passed, winning more than two “yes” votes for every “no” to fund drought resiliency programs, such as adding water storage, cleaning up polluted groundwater and reusing and recycling water. It also enacted in 2014, for the first time, a law that regulates ground water usage. But it could take 25 years to fully implement stated Stahl in the report.

Common sense sustainability – playing off of the 3Rs of reduce, reuse, recycle – the answers to lessen the water crisis can come from many directions. ViridiSTOR’s approach of eliminating paper from tradeshows, conventions, meetings and more is one more step. It is a step that provides immediate quantifiable results using technology, and has profound environmental impact.

Successful Innovation

What does it take for a good idea to become a good product? To paraphrase one of the honorees at the TechAmerica 18th Annual OC High-Tech Innovation Awards held on June 9th, 2011, invention is about having fun and innovation is about creating value. So what is needed for a product or service to truly innovate and become a new standard?

Some inventions may hold the promise of value but require major changes to the existing infrastructure. While hydrogen fuel cells or electric vehicles may represent the future of the automotive industry, in order to replace the internal combustion engine, we need to figure out how to replace the gas station on every corner. This is going to be a costly endeavor as well as one that the entrenched industry (gas station owners and oil companies) may not be quick to embrace.

When we think of innovation much of what you think of are R&D breakthroughs and bleeding edge technologies that capture the imagination. But those technologies often take years of development and refinement in order for the cost of production to make it affordable to the masses. Innovations like those introduced by Apple in recent years are a notable exception in part due to their ability to source, manufacture, and distribute products on a scale that can keep their costs competitive.

So if you aren’t Apple, how do you create an innovative product that can make it in the market?

With ViridiSTOR, we looked at these issues and developed our solution to address these issues.

On the value front, we looked at the whole product ecosystem from all of the potential stakeholders in the technology. In our case, that includes trade show, event, and conference organizers/owners, exhibitors, presenters, and attendees. From an innovation standpoint, we look at how our solution will impact and improve the experience for each stakeholder.

Our product/service offering allows an event to replace paper-based materials with electronic media. Not only does our product have an environmental benefit, but it provides value to each stakeholder.

  • For event organizers, it makes their events greener, reduces costs by freeing up excess storage space, generates new revenue through sponsorship opportunities, and makes the content of their shows more relevant.
  • For exhibitors, the solution reduces the cost of printing and shipping materials while allowing them to provide videos, presentations, and other multimedia content to their prospects.
  • Finally, for attendees, they no longer have to carry bags full of paper brochures and materials from the booths they visit. Instead they collect information electronically on a USB device and have the ability to sort, categorize, search, compare, and share that information on their computers, a vast improvement over shuffling through catalogs and brochures to find that one piece of information needed.

On the infrastructure front, our solution uses existing technologies that have been re-imagined to create an innovative new process and approach to distributing content. Additionally as they are proven technologies that are readily available there is no need to be concerned over the stability and reliability of the product. So unlike a bleeding edge technology, our solution can be implemented today and at a cost that is lower than the existing method of distributing paper based materials.

With the Green Box Solution, we have looked at the hurdles of introducing innovative products and designed a solution that is efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. And for that, we have been named to the OC Metro 2011 Green Team and honored by TechAmerica Orange County as the 2011 High-Tech Innovation Award Winner in its Hardware category.

TechAmerica Orange County Unveils 2011 High-Tech Innovation Awards Winners

ViridiSTOR was honored at the TechAmerica OC High Tech Awards for Innovation in the Hardware category.

What does it take to be green?

It seems everywhere you look the idea of sustainability, eco-consciousness, and going green are in vogue. Many shows and events tout their commitment to the environment or list the steps they are taking to be more green. A number of surveys have also been conducted that show that exhibitors and attendees are interested in or favor green exhibits. But what does it mean to be green? And at what cost are people truly committed to the effort?

To address the first question one needs to think about the entire event ecosystem and evaluate if the net impact is positive or negative on the environment. This includes items like travel, lodging, and shipping as well as single use items like booth carpeting. It also should look at whether the environmental impact is lessened or just shifted. Do you forgo distributing collateral opting to send it to prospects and customers? If so, does the cost and impact of mailing that same information outweigh the cost and impact of shipping it to the show? Is it a zero sum game? Or is it worse because your fulfillment house actually ships several copies instead of just one? Do you email materials or use QR codes only to have attendees print up your materials because they want to store those materials somewhere other than their inbox or smartphone? However, if you are able to provide a solution that actually reduces the environmental impact of a show and this can be replicated across multiple shows and potentially become a new industry standard, then you can make a real difference.

Addressing the second question is a bit more interesting. While green seems to be the latest buzzword, the cost or “inconvenience” of being green still presents a huge obstacle to mainstream adoption. At the recent Profit Plus Planet Sustainability in Business Conference conducted by the Merage School of Business, it was evident that in order to be “green” it was important that the technology, product, or practice in question needed to be economically viable. A certain element of the population will be willing to pay a premium to be eco-conscious as evidenced by the sales of hybrid cars, but in order to gain mass acceptance at a level that can significantly impact the environment, it will be necessary to be cost competitive or offer an entirely better user experience that warrants the difference in cost or price.

How sustainable is the idea of green events? Only time will tell. It is possible for the trade show and conference industry to make wide sweeping changes that contribute to a marked reduction in pollution. However it will be necessary for everyone involved (organizers, exhibitors, suppliers, and attendees) to do their part.